Special Collections and University Archives

Winter update about digital resources: Changes to the look and feel of Special Collections and University Archives Online have continued over the fall and access to transcriptions for oral histories in particular has been restored. We are continuning to move Imagebase content in batches a resource that does not have the same restrictions (Special Collections and University Archives Online, where you can already find most of the migrated content). We can still provide images to the community during this transition (please contact us) and we appreciate your patience as we work through this process.
Search our digital content and finding aids
For rare books and publications, search the University Libraries catalog.
For finding aids, you can also search Archival Resources of the Virginias (ARVAS). Please note: ARVAS was previously known as Virginia Heritage. The domains recently changed and links should have been redirected, but if you experience any issues, please trying searching at the updated link or contacting Special Collections and University Archives for assistance.
What does Special Collections and University Archives do?
Virginia Tech Special Collections and University Archives in the University Libraries offers a wealth of material to support research, engage one’s interests, and excite the imagination. Our mission is to collect and preserve unique, historical materials and provide access to them in their original form. When possible, Special Collections and University Archives also offers materials in digital format.
News from Special Collections and University Archives
Recent posts on our departmental blog.
What's Cookin' @ Special Collections and University Archives?!
Recent posts on our culinary history blog.