Donors to the Peacock-Harper Culinary Collection
Peacock-Harper Culinary Friends Advisory Committee

by joining the
Peacock-Harper Culinary Friends
For more information on the Peacock-Harper Culinary Friends Advisory Committee, see their Facebook page.
Many generous donors have supported the Peacock-Harper Culinary History Collection in a variety of ways. Some have contributed books, ephemera, money, and time to increase the number of culinary history resources. Others have given financial support to one or both of the scholarship funds honoring Janet Lowe Cameron and Jean Allen Phillips. Dr. Markham Peacock, whose wife's books helped form the foundation of the Peacock-Harper Culinary Collection, provided funds in his will toward the purchase additional rare volumes. Jan Bluestein Longone, an internationally known food historian, has served as an unpaid consultant. In 2006 Ann Hertzler, who was instrumental in bringing the Peacock-Harper Collection to the library, initiated a $100,000 endowed fund to establish and support the Ann Hertzler Children's Cookbook and Nutrition Literature Archive, the first historical children's cookbook collection that also emphasizes nutrition literature.
Donors to the Peacock-Harper Culinary History Collection (partial listing)
Dora Greenlaw Peacock
Nancy Adams
Roberta Ainsley
Martha G. Akers
John M. (Jack) Allen, III
John M. Allen, IV
William C. Allen Jr.
Connie Anderson
Carolyn Barnhart
Elizabeth Bartlett
Jo Anne Barton
Charles & Frieda Bostian
Gayle Battaglia
Kathryn C. Beattie
Mary Ruth Bedford
Erna Mae Behrend
Shirley C. Belcher
Cynthia D. Bertelsen
Margaret P. Blair
Bob Blanton
Barbara Blauvelt
Joann Boles
Sandy Bosworth
Dorothy Bowman
Amelia Brown
Mary Margaret Brown
Ralph & Barbara Brown
Judy Burtner
Lucille Calhoun
Juliet Campbell
Dean & Rosina Carter
Edward Habot
Merle Chamberlain
Scott Chandler
Georgene Clark
Louise Clarke
Ellen Coale
Rosemary Cole
Madeline Cooper
Jeanette Corley
Jerry Couick
Georgia & Mike Crews
Suzanne Curtis
Margaret Dean
Karen DeBord
Robin DeBord
Barbara E. Densmore
Katie Denwiler
Elizabeth Donald
Marilyn R. Donato
Mary E. Dooley
Anne Dumper
Rebecca E. Ellis
Jane & Ed Ewing
Rudy. & JoAnn Emmel
Mary B. Fain
Joe Falkinham
Ann Frame Estate
Corinne Gabriel
Jayne C. Gardner
Caryl E. Gray
Johanna F. O. Hahn
Helen Hall
Patricia Halstead
Nancy Hannah
Martha Harder
Nancy Hargroves
Mary Harris
Mildred Henderson
Edmund & Gloria Henneke, II
Dorothy Herndon
Mary Abbott Hess
Lois Hinkle
Marion Hinners
Phyllis Hockman
Gaynelle Hogan
Patricia Holcomb
Pauline Holloway
Polly Holloway
Iva Mary Hopkins
Linda Rucker Hubbard
Jane Hubert
Stephanie Hudy
Scott Hunter
Melvin & Karen Huston
Agnes Jacoby
Jane Jennings
Alice W. Johnson
Bob Johnson
Janet Johnson
Ann Jones
Ruby Jones
Beatrice Kalka
Charlotte Kidd
Mary K. Korslund
Kathryn K. La Bonte
Mary Larimer
Jean Lawhorn
Irene Leach
Mary Lee
Barbara R. Taylor Lehmann
Beverly Lineweaver
Sally Linkous
Katherine Arnold Ludolf
Gail McMillan
Carrie Jane Marks
Esther Martin
Shirleigh Marvin
Lelia Mayton
Gail McMillan / Mark Sanders
Christine L. Medlin
Carolyn Miles
Helen Miles
Ed Milhous
Roberta Minish
Dori Mitchell
Glen Mitchell
Barbara Morlang
Dianne R. Morrison
Nancy L. Munnikhuysen
Ray Murley
Pansie Murray
Glenna Mutchler
Joyce Nester
Rubinette Miller Niemann
Mary Ann Novascone
K. O'Brien
Anna Sue Osborne
Grayson & Martha Palmore
Wanda F. Parker
Elizabeth A. Payne
Mary Lou Payne
Virle & Al Payne
Joanne Pearson
Markham Peacock
Louise Pearson
Sanford Perry
Mary Frances Peterson
Anne S. Peyton
Jean Allen Phillips
Patsy H. Pittenger
Deloris J. Pourchot
William T. & Ida B. Powell
Jean & Richard Quible
Dana Quillen
Billie Raper
Mary Rapoport
Douglas & Shirley Richards
S. J. & Elizabeth Ritchey
Jean Robbins
Frances Robeson
Inez Roop
Jean Ann Schott
Nancy Seamans
Carol Shaffer
Paul B. Siegel
Linda Singletary
Helen W. Smith
Patricia M. Sobrero
Mary Ellen Spencer
Carol Spengler
Mary Steinhardt
Shirley Strother
Serena Eason Suthers
Evangeline Swain
R. P. Swenson
Phyllis P. Talley
John Tamminen
Julia Thaxton
Ann Thompson
Patricia Carothers Thompson
Robin Thompson
Danielle Torisky
Enid Tozier
Frances Trent
Jennifer Anne Tu
Edward Tucker
Janet Turner
Jack & Helen Tyree
Carmine Valentino
Connie Vickery
Evelyn Victorine
Jimmie L. & Ellen Wade
Freida Walker
Margaret Walker
Jane Wentworth
Virginia Moore Wiley
Betty Owen Williamson
Janice Woodard
American Egg Board
Virginia Dietetics Association
American Dietetics Association
Lynchburg Daily Bread
Blacksburg Home Economists
American Home Economics Association
Greater Birmingham Habitat for Humanity
The Kroger Company
Favorite Recipe Press
Roanoke Valley Executive Chefs Association
Southwest Virginia Dietetic Association
Sur La Table
University Libraries
Virginia Association of Family and Consumer Science
YMCA at Virginia Tech